"one of a kind" - The paintings by Andrew Farquhar.
The nuanced contemporary abstract paintings of Andrew Farquhar are the unique combination between nature, art and design evoking a feeling of desire. So pleasing and sensitive to the eye while enhancing the senses, it makes looking irresistible, which makes them "one of a kind"
Available Paintings
A professional contemporary abstract painter with over 20 years experience.
Andrew Farquhar executes meticulous, compelling and complex contemporary acrylic on panel paintings through a palimpsestic method. The paintings of Andrew Farquhar provide an experience that unravels, slowly, like history itself.
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It's all there in the recent paintings - smouldering beneath the surface, a slow steady burn: the desire to know, the desire to create quality that will sustain beyond the immediate, the desire to express a pure experience, the desire to find the moment.
Contact contemporary abstract painter Andrew Farquhar with all enquiries regarding purchases, painting availability, feedback, acting as an agent, exhibitions, commissions
We express our uniqueness as individuals through the quality of our design choices. Here is where the contemporary abstract paintings of Andrew Farquhar will help. Not only can you tell its a genuine quality Farquhar, there can only ever be one!